For answers to your questions about commissioning a portrait with me, I welcome you to visit "Commissions" and "Pricing", and review more examples of my portraiture at .
Lead time required for a portrait commission is commensurate with the detail and the technique being utilized. For any further questions please contact me at
A note that on occasion I post drawings from life, as well as drawings of nude models, as it is an important traditional practice which improves my ability in portraiture.
All images and content of this blog are © Mona Diane Conner 2014 and may not be reproduced

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Further Progress on Peggy and Marcelo in Color

Further progress on the color pastel of Peggy and Marcelo

The color pastel of Peggy and Marcelo is moving along.  There is still work to do in many areas
such as the turquoise pillow, the hands, etc., but I want to get everything blocked in and then I will pull together
 the details and nuance the values a bit more.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Peggy and Marcelo, a color pastel

Peggy and Marcelo in progress, 19" x 27", pastel on Pastelmat
Here is my start on the color pastel commission for Peggy and Marcelo.  Some of you may recall the black and white version:

"Peggy and Marcelo, Study #1", 21" x 25 1/2", charcoal and pastel on acid-free gray board

I'll be overlapping my work on Peggy and Marcelo with the start of another couple's commission,a black and white portrait of Kat and Dick.   Kat and Dick chose this concept drawing for their portrait, which will be rendered similarly in charcoal and pastel, and more soon on this one too:


"JOE",  15" x 18", black and white charcoal on Mi Teintes paper

A portrait study drawn from life of model, Joe, that I did at one of our last SVA Alumni drawing sessions this Spring.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

"Eric", a portrait of my nephew

A scanned detail from the pastel of Eric

"Eric", 19" x 23", pastel on Pastelmat

Coming up is a couples portrait I have in progress, but first this portrait of my nephew Eric.  It was started from a live sitting and completed with the help of a few supplemental photos we took during our time together.  It provided me some needed practice in working in full color directly from life.  Live sittings in full color are not easy, especially at this size, and I only succeeded in developing a rough version in the time we had, but through this process with Eric, who sat very patiently, I noticed a few things I might have otherwise missed ~ about slight camera lens distortions and skin tones.
The rest I pulled together from the supplemental photos.  Above, I've added a scanned detail from the portrait, and this one goes to the Mendoza Conner family.