For answers to your questions about commissioning a portrait with me, I welcome you to visit "Commissions" and "Pricing", and review more examples of my portraiture at .
Lead time required for a portrait commission is commensurate with the detail and the technique being utilized. For any further questions please contact me at
A note that on occasion I post drawings from life, as well as drawings of nude models, as it is an important traditional practice which improves my ability in portraiture.
All images and content of this blog are © Mona Diane Conner 2014 and may not be reproduced

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Knit Scan Detail #2 from the Portrait of Dick and Catherine Marshall

Knit Scan Detail #2 from the portrait of Catherine and Dick Marshall

And to follow up, here is a second detail of Dick Marshall from the same portrait, this time created from three scans which are knitted together from top to bottom.   

To learn more about how to knit scans, just google the topic, or click on this easy tutorial I found at

Sunday, January 20, 2013

A knit scan detail from the portrait of Dick and Catherine Marshall

Knit scan detail of Catherine Marshall from the recent portrait commission I completed of Kat and her husband Dick

Lately I've been improving my skill with knitting scans.  Sometimes when a work of art is too large for my scanner I try scanning portions of the image and knitting them together in photoshop.  It's a tricky business to line up the pieces seamlessly, but with care, a knitted scan can provide an even higher res image of a work of art than a single scan.  If I can pull off knitting six parts together, I may have even more to show you.  Scanning is worthwhile because the detail level and the color quality are far superior to a camera shot as an accurate record of the art.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

SVA Drawing Sessions - 2012 Highlights

"Emily", approximately 9" x 12", carbon pencil and pastel on gray Mi Teintes paper

And a camera shot of the entire drawing of Emily, 11" x 14"

(regrettably I did not get this model's name, am working on it and will add it here if I can), approximately 9" x 12", carbon pencil and pastel on gray Mi Teintes paper

"Teddi", approximately 15" x 18", carbon pencil on paper

Happy New Year everyone, and I hope it will be a great year for all of you!  
Here are some of my favorite drawings from the SVA Alumni drawing sessions in 2012.
Some don't entirely fit on my scanner and some are cropped from a camera shot, which is why they are labelled "approximately" in size. My thanks to Tom, our moderator, and to each of these great models for posing for us, and I'm looking forward to more of these drawing sessions in 2013 when they resume later this month.