For answers to your questions about commissioning a portrait with me, I welcome you to visit "Commissions" and "Pricing", and review more examples of my portraiture at .
Lead time required for a portrait commission is commensurate with the detail and the technique being utilized. For any further questions please contact me at
A note that on occasion I post drawings from life, as well as drawings of nude models, as it is an important traditional practice which improves my ability in portraiture.
All images and content of this blog are © Mona Diane Conner 2014 and may not be reproduced

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Catching up on two of my portraits in progress

A detail from my portrait of Peggy and Marcelo called "After the Party," in progress

My mother/son portrait of Lil and Mike in progress, which will have a garden background
added this week.

It's been a while, since I've had a few health issues still to contend with, but I've been 
at work, albeit more slowly.  I'm getting there with the portrait of my sister Peggy and brother-in-law Marcelo, and have added into it more depth of detail, such as shown here in the detail of my sister.  The portrait of Lil and Mike is also still a work in progress, and will have some background elements added now that a start on the figures has been established.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing, I am astounded by the richness of your work. Glad you're feeling better and great to see you back! Be well my friend.
