For answers to your questions about commissioning a portrait with me, I welcome you to visit "Commissions" and "Pricing", and review more examples of my portraiture at .
Lead time required for a portrait commission is commensurate with the detail and the technique being utilized. For any further questions please contact me at
A note that on occasion I post drawings from life, as well as drawings of nude models, as it is an important traditional practice which improves my ability in portraiture.
All images and content of this blog are © Mona Diane Conner 2014 and may not be reproduced

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Peggy and Marcelo, nearing completion

"Peggy and Marcelo" in progress, 19" x 27", pastel on Pastelmat
                   An update on Peggy and Marcelo's portrait commission, now nearing completion.  


  1. very beautiful...
    only thing, they are in their own worlds...

  2. Since you stopped by my blog yesterday I thought I'd visit you, as I haven't, I'm ashamed to say, in quite a while (I"ve been so busy this summer I have not really kept up with ANY of the blogs I follow!). Now with winter coming I want to check in more:-) Anyway, this a really wonderful portrait, but as Jyothiseth
    said, it seems they are not together somehow. I don't know what, if anything, this says about their relationship. Your previous couples portrait also has the feeling of disconnection between the two people. Nothing wrong with that, in fact it makes them more compelling I think. Very beautifully painted!

  3. Jyothisethu and Karen, you have both commented in a similar vein, so maybe it's worth posting on this next time too, but it is not a literal emotional disconnect that I am trying to portray in either of these current portraits, in fact, it's the opposite. Both couples have spent many years in loving relationship with one another, and these portraits simply represent my effort to portray the couples as they naturally are with each other at home, with an intimacy that goes beyond holding hands or one arm around the other's shoulder. In both instances it is the kind of relationship we all wish for long-term, one that leaves room and space to be one's own person. The portrait above evolved out of a series of snapshots I took of my sister and brother-in-law as they were sitting together, a bit tired, but quietly talking and digesting the day after a wonderful family party.

    The portrait of Kat and Dick was set up more intentionally, among other options for the couple. after Kat saw and loved the black and white study that I did in preparation for the portrait of Peggy and Marcelo. It may not be the kind of couples portrait that everyone would want, yet I felt as Karen did, that it is more compelling and has more staying power than more a formal portrait would have.

    In deciding upon the composition for both portraits, I also made a conscious effort to choose a pose for each person where one partner does not 'trump' the other for the viewer's attention. In the Kat and Dick portrait, for example, if Dick were looking out the window with Kat, as he was in some of the pictures we took, the center of interest becomes Kat, or else whatever is out the window, instead of keeping the focus on both partners. And above, Marcelo is glancing in Peggy's direction at the same time that he is digesting the day and responding to how she saw it.
