Here is an egg tempera portrait in progress which I have returned to after some time off from it, and it's of my brother, Kit and his son (my nephew) Greg, which is being painted from a photograph I took of them in 1989.
Greg is now attending law school in Chicago, and my brother, now a father of four and soon to be a grandparent, works as a judge, so life has changed in many ways since those days. The picture was also taken on my parent's 40th wedding anniversary, of which they eventually had 57 before my father passed away in 2007. Since that time, as those of you following my work will know, my Mother has remarried to my step-Dad, Harry.
Here following are a few more photos from that same family anniversary party on June 3, 1989.
Kit's oldest son Greg who is now 24 |
Kit and Greg |
Aunt Mona - here I am with my sister's oldest son Nick and my brother's only daughter Lauren on the porch swing that day. Since then there have been 5 more nephews in our extended family for me to love, including Daniel, Ben, David, Eric and Casey. This weekend I just returned from Lauren's own baby shower! She is expecting my first great-nephew in 7 more weeks, and we are all very excited about his arrival. :-) |